
Community Guidelines

Updated April 10th, 2021

1. Definitions and Interpretations

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

Us (or “We”, “Our”, “Company”, “GeoPic”) means GeoPic, LLC.

You (or “Your”, “User”, “Member”) means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable. Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service.

2. An Overview

Welcome to the GeoPic community! We want GeoPic to be an inclusive, diverse, and welcoming environment. We value free expression and champion free speech. However, with every freedom in society there comes limitations and responsibilities. The GeoPic community is no different and so this document was created to help our Users further understand these limitations and responsibilities. It is our objective to create an environment where Our community of Users on Our Services are all respectful of one another. In addition, there are legal limitations to activities and conduct. For example, trademark copyright infringement or laws governing privacy and safety. Please help Us foster a community that inspires others and uplifts relations between all people. We are all human beings that deserve kindness, love, and respect. Never accept harassment, bullying or hatefulness by another User. You can start by blocking the offending User and you can also email us at [email protected] or call local enforcement authorities. Remember you are always the one in control.

3. Community Guidelines

  • Share only photos and videos that you’ve taken or have the right to share.
    You own the content you post on GeoPic. This may be photos, videos, or text. Post content you own. Don’t post content copied from other sources you don’t own. Respect the copyrights and trademarks of others. If you do not have permission to use someone else's copyrighted or trademarked work, please do not post it. There are legal exceptions to this Community Guideline, either you have obtained a license for public use or the use falls within the legal requirements of “fair use”.

  • Adult content which is pornographic in nature is not permitted on GeoPic.
    You are not permitted to post photos, or videos that show sexual intercourse, sexual acts, genitals or female nipples. This includes illustrations and other form of artistic depictions. We know that there are times when as a form of artistic expression Users may want to share nude images. However, given the diverse and public nature of GeoPic nudity is not permitted. Museum photos or videos of paintings and sculptures are generally permitted.

  • Children.
    We understand Users like to share photos or videos of their children. For safety reasons, there are times when we may remove images that display nude or partially nude children. Even when this content is shared with harmless intentions. We may decide it could be used by others in unanticipated ways.

  • Terrorism.
    We do not tolerate any photos, videos or text uploaded onto GeoPic that promotes, encourages, or incites acts of terrorism. This includes indirect content that celebrates terrorist organizations, terrorist leaders or terrorist acts. We condemn all acts of violence against innocence, and acts of terrorism are especially heinous. We will fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities to investigate any posting that violates our Community Guidelines against Terrorism.

  • Promotion or Glorification of Self-Harm.
    You are not permitted to post content that displays, actively promotes or glorifies self-harm. This includes but is not limited to content that urges or encourages others to injure themselves; embraces eating disorders; or acts of suicide.

  • Impersonation and Deceptive Practices.
    Do not engage in activity that involves pretending to be someone you’re not. This may include but is not limited to impersonating celebrities, friends, brands, government, or other organizations. Do not engage in deceptive activities when posting or engaging with other GeoPic Users.

  • Follow the law.
    This is a simple but important provision of Our Community Guidelines. Laws have been established by elected representatives on the local, state, and federal levels of government. The purpose of course, is to promote peace, tranquility, and security amongst fellow citizens. These laws apply to your conduct on Our Services as well. In addition to established laws, We prohibit the GeoPic Services from being used for the offering of sexual services, the selling of drugs both illegal or legal, the selling of alcohol, tobacco or firearms regardless of any local ordinances permitting such activity.

  • Non-Genuine Social Activity.
    You are not permitted to create artificial fraudulent follows or likes. Also, do not use automated messaging schemes on the GeoPic Services.

  • Disruptions, Resource Abuse and Exploitive Schemes.
    If you engage in activities to overwhelm or disrupt our servers or Services, you will be banned from the GeoPic Services.

  • Active News Events.
    Important breaking news events are of public interest and posts from Users to the GeoPic Service can provide information and context to these important events. However, please be sensitive to the diverse and inclusive community and graphic imagery or videos of a breaking news event that may be disturbing to other Users. Also, do not post anything that will endanger or imped law enforcement officials in the exercise of their duties. Please exercise judgement and discretion when posting news events to the GeoPic Service.

  • Harassment.
    Do not engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment toward another User or group of Users. The unwanted sexualization or sexual harassment of others is prohibited on Our Services. If someone is sending you an unwanted message, or commenting on Your posts in an abusive way, we encourage you to be in control by blocking them. You can also contact Us at [email protected] and contact local law enforcement.

  • Mass Registration or Other Automated Schemes.
    You are not permitted to register accounts or post content automatically, systematically, or through any type of software that creates automated activity on Our Services.

  • Freedom of Speech.
    We promote freedom of speech and encourage free expression. This means that you will likely be offended or disagree with another User or Users at some point. This is OK, vigorous debate of differing opinions are part of a vibrant democracy. It is not important that we all agree, it is important to Us that Users respect one another while on Our Services. Comments that cross the line into harassment or encouragement of violence toward another User for example, will not be tolerated. Also piling on by groups of Users in a harassing way toward another User is forbidden. Simply follow the golden rule, treat others as you would like to be treated. Finally, remember, You are always in control. You are free to always block other Users and when appropriate contact Us at [email protected] or contact local law enforcement authorities.

  • 4. Help Us keep the GeoPic Community Fun, Vibrant and Engaging

    • Each User in the GeoPic community can help in building a positive, fun and engaging environment to enjoy the GeoPic Services. This starts by following these Community Guidelines as well as Our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. In addition, the entire community of GeoPic Users can help in actively using Our reporting system to help Us identify and remove content by Flagging posts which you believe violate Our policies. You can also email us at [email protected] to inform us of a suspected violation. You will also find the feedback link in Settings on the GeoPic Mobile Application.
    • Remember, You may find content you don’t like but doesn’t violate the Community Guidelines. If that happens, you can unfriend or block the person who posted it.
    • Most disputes and misunderstandings can be resolved directly between Users of Our Services. If one of your photos or videos was posted by someone else, you could try asking the person to remove it by commenting on the post. If that doesn’t work, you can file a report of copyright infringement as detailed in Our Privacy Policy. If you believe someone is violating your trademark, you can follow the same reporting procedure as for a copyright violation. Don’t confront the User you believe may have infringed on your copyright or trademark directly. This could elevate into becoming a harassment complaint against You. Simply follow the steps provided in the Privacy Policy and We will investigate and inform all parties of the decision.
    • We may work on occasion with law enforcement, including when we believe that there’s risk of physical harm or threat to public safety.

    5. You Are in Control of Your Account

    You can report Community Guidelines violations directly by email at [email protected] or in the feedback menu of the GeoPic App.

    You can remove your own content whenever you want. If you need help doing that, you can contact us using [email protected] or in the feedback menu on App.

    You can unfriend or block other Users from the mobile app or by contacting us at [email protected] or in the feedback menu on App.

    You can delete Your Account at any time from the settings menu on GeoPic App or emailing Us at [email protected]

    6. Summary

    If we conclude that You are violating these Community Guidelines, Our Terms of Service or Privacy Policy, You may receive a notice via email. If you do not explain or correct Your behavior, we may take action against your account. If We believe the suspected violation is of a serious nature to cause immediate and ongoing damage to Us or Our Users, We may immediately suspend Your account until the investigation is complete. Violations of our Community Guidelines may result in permanent account closure or a timed account suspension. We do believe there are two sides to every situation and mistakes do happen. We strive to ensure fair outcomes, but in all cases, We reserve the right to suspend accounts, or remove content, without notice, for any reason, but particularly to protect our Users, Services and infrastructure. We reserve the right to enforce, or not enforce, these guidelines at Our sole discretion, and the Community Guidelines don't create a duty or contractual obligation for Us to act in any particular manner.

    Please note that these Community Guidelines may change often. Check for updates in the settings on the GeoPic mobile app for any updates. Creating an account or logging on to Our Services constitutes acceptance of these Community Guidelines.